Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  • Queeneth is a consulting firm that specializes in helping new businesses grow
    and providing areas of improvement for existing ones.
  • We offer training to individuals through our online educational platform in
    various areas of the IT profession, with a particular focus on individuals that
    want to upskill or transition into the field of technology.
  • We also have room for mentorship where members are guided till they are
    on their steady state in their new roles or receive guidance in their job
  • To work with different government agencies , religion and empowerment
    organizations to get the courses at subsidized rate for members.
  • At Queeneth Online, we are dedicated to assisting new businesses in their growth journey and empowering existing ones with areas of improvement to achieve their full potential. Our expertise lies in providing consulting services that drive success and sustainable growth.
  • Our online educational platform offers comprehensive training in various areas of the IT profession, focusing on upskilling individuals and guiding them toward a successful transition into the dynamic world of technology.
  • We believe in the power of mentorship and aim to support our members throughout their journey. Our experienced mentors provide valuable guidance and support to ensure that individuals confidently settle into their new roles or navigate through their job search process.
  • To further our commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, we actively collaborate with government agencies and religious institutions to offer our courses at subsidized rates for our members, making quality education and professional development more accessible to all.
  • At Queeneth Online, our mission is to foster growth, create opportunities, and empower individuals
    and businesses alike to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of business and technology.

Free visitors to the site can view full version of all listings to get an actual sense of what is available. Also, we provide useful and comprehensive resources that can help you in your search, such as our Guide to the Best Companies on Queeneth platform and our Blog Articles.

It’s easy and free to register an OList account. Just choose one of the three ways below:
Email, Facebook or Google Account

You will to upgrade your membership level to Full Member to be able to post adverts

  • Step 1: Click on “Add Listing” button after login.
  • Step 2: Fill out all necessary detailed information about your items and click on the “Submit”button.
  • Step 3: Your advert will be shown on Queeneth soon after the verification.
  • Step 4: An email will be sent to notify you when your Ad is online.
  • Step 5: Get ready to deal with calls from buyers and be careful to have a safe transaction.
  • Your Ad has to go through a verification process before it’s live.
  • If there is something wrong, you will be informed to correct your post correspondingly.
  • After publishing your Ad, you can still edit it or repost. When altered, your advert will be verified again.
  • Ads that are too similar will be regarded as copies by our arbitrators and won’t go online.

Log in first then go to my adverts, click on the advert you want to share, scroll down until you see Facebook/Twitter icons, click on a particular icon to share the link.

  • Every advert must have an exact title and include pictures taken by the vendor directly.(contact data or watermarks are unacceptable).
  • Every automobile or car Ad is requested with pictures.
  • A proper classification is necessary for a successful Ad.
  • Overpriced items would not be welcomed.
  • Your posted items should be stored in Nigeria and legal items only.
  • You can’t post a few items inside one or a similar advert.
  • Every advert should contain a brief and clear portrayal.